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Epic: Trump Leads 32-Nation Rebuke of the UN’s Infanticide Program
Here’s a story that the mainstream media has chosen to completely ignore. The Trump administration has led a coalition of 32 nations in a stunning, pro-life rebuke of the United Nations and its puppet, the World Health Organization. Since the press is extremely busy trying to come up with excuses as to why they are not covering the story about Joe Biden peddling America’s interests to the highest foreign government bidder, we thought it would be a good idea to share this story with you!
The declaration states that there is no “international human right” to kill babies in the womb. The 31 other nations that have joined with the Trump administration in this fight include seven Latin American countries, as well as nations on every other continent. This is not a strictly “Christian” nation thing either, but rather a diverse gathering of faiths joining together to rebuke the UN.
Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and Secretary of Health and Human Services Alex Azar were instrumental in making this joint rebuke happen. What many people do not realize is that every UN “agreement” that they try to enter into with developing countries these days requires anti-family and pro-abortion policy implementation.
The UN tempts poor nations with promises of wells, clean drinking water, schools, micro-loans for small business development, and other treats. But if those nations want the funding for those things to happen, “Oh, by the way, you have to put abortion clinics in all over the place.”
This ghoulish and evil practice has been so commonplace with the UN for the past 30 years that people don’t even notice it anymore. They put lipstick on the evil pig and try to dress it up, much as the Democrats do here in the United States. They call it “family planning” and “women’s rights,” but it’s really the mass-scale extermination of babies in poor countries – paid for in large part by American taxpayer dollars.
Pompeo and Azar asked the other nations of the world, in a letter sent back in 2019, to join with America “in ensuring that every sovereign state has the ability to determine the best way to protect the unborn and defend the family as the foundational unit of society vital to children thriving and leading healthy lives.”
Bravo to Pompeo and Azar for spearheading this effort on behalf of President Trump. Likewise, bravo to the 31 nations of the world that were courageous enough to stand beside America in declaring that All Lives Matter – including and especially those lives of the most vulnerable who are in the womb.
The rebuke of the UN and WHO states emphatically that, “in no case should abortion be promoted as a method of family planning.”
The most incredible statement in the rebuke says, “The family is the natural and fundamental group unit of society and is entitled to protection by society and the State.”
That is a revolutionary statement. Read it again in case you missed it.
The family is “entitled to protection by society.” In other words, if the State (nation) does not protect family rights, it is illegitimate and therefore society has a right to protect families. That statement blows my eyebrows off, from a legal standpoint.
President Trump is effectively sowing the seeds of human freedom in other nations with that statement. A government that will not protect the rights of the family is illegitimate and therefore, “society” (the people, or you might say… the militia) have an obligation to protect the family.
Leave it to the most pro-life President in American history to lead a pro-life rebuke against the UN, which also promotes the American ideals of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness in other nations. While past presidents have surrendered authority to the UN as the Marxist baby killers continue their “long march through the institutions,” President Trump is now encouraging other nations to follow America’s example. He’s saying to the world, “We really are the greatest nation on earth (and you all know we are), and therefore other nations should strive to be like us!”
This is simply amazing. The declaration obviously won’t change anything over at the UN or the WHO. Nothing short of salting the earth will. But imagine the impact that will happen years or even decades from now, thanks to President Trump planting pro-life, pro-liberty seeds all over the world.

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It is about time someone did something to these ghouls. I am tired of the “my body my choice” garbage. It is your body, learn to respect it. I am also tired of the father of the soon to be murdered person never being allowed a say in the decision
That’s what DemonRAT women say, because they are to lazy, or too stupid to swallow a pill. They use PP as their birth control.
What misnomers “World Health” and “Planned Parenthood.”! Both are responsible for millions of deaths and mostly of people of color!
Could not agree more. These abortions were suppose to be in the first trimester but now even full term is acceptable. I think NOT!
Banned Childhood would be a more accurate name for PP
The UN Agenda 21/2030 Mission Goals numbers 7, 8 and 13:
7) End the family Unit.
8) Depopulation and the control of population growth and density.
13) Government reared children.
Planned Parenthood is funded by sick POS using aborted baby parts for evil purposes. This is why the “whistleblowers” who filmed the ‘harvesting’ of aborted babies were prosecuted for exercising their right of freedom of the press! The MSM lied about their videos and covered up what they found. Harvesting! God Bless our President! TRUMP2020!
Quote: “Oh, by the way, you have to put abortion clinics in all over the place.”
Abortion ? Or is it the Occult means of putting Temples in every city of the world that are dedicated to the sacrifice of the first born? The abortionist is the High Prest and his nurses are the temple priestesses assissting in the Sacrifice.
Our president never ceases to amaze! He seems to find the time to do SO MANY wonderful works that are always such a pleasant surprise! God bless his soul! MAGAA!
Please pray for him to win this most important election of our time. He has earned it!